You are welcome onboard! The word of God is "here" presented with a desire to be a blessing to your soul. Please, feel free to leave your comments and questions. I admonish you to peruse with an open mind as the word of faith and Power is elucidated in its simplicity. May the Word of God come alive in your heart!
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Burning Passion For God (1)
Through redemption, we have come unto God, the ALMIGHTY God. There was an absolute shift of base from the kingdom of darkness UNTO GOD (Col.1:13); hence the demand on the believer to thirst and hunger after God with an unqeunchable passion (Mark 12:30).
God must remain d believer's prime desire and the one he's living to please.
It is absurd to have your passion for physical things of this life override your passion for God. More often than not, we are overwhelmed by our needs so much that we re content with prayer for needs thinking that's all there is to prayer. Prayer is a fellowship wit God and if it must meet God's standard, it must be 'God-centered' and not 'need-centered'.
The heart of the man born again must be a furnace of burning passion for God. I have not seen a greater anomaly than for someone to claim he is saved by grace and He's not thirsty after God.
Inclination towards God is planted in the heart of every man born again, and it meant to be cultivated.
Without a fervent love for God, christianity is reduced to mere religion and 'lifeless' routine. Do you really love God?
Monday, February 13, 2012
Prayer Spree (4)
Prayer Spree (4)
"Now it came to pass in those days that He went out to the mountain to pray, and continued all night in prayer to God" (Luke 6:12)
Jesus exemplified a virile prayer life by the premium He placed on prayer. And this he had done so that we also can follow in His steps.
He who says he abides in Christ ought himself also to pray just as He prayed - (1John2:6 paraphrased).
How did He pray?
Among other attributes...
He prayed for long hours (Luke 6:12)
He Prayed without ceasing (Luke 22:39)
He prayed in solitude (Mark 1:35)
He tarried in prayer despite body weakness and anguish of the soul (Mark 14:34,38)
Until you be like Him in prayer, becoming like Him in conduct might Just remain as mirage.
Friday, February 10, 2012
Prayer Spree (3)
Steadfast continuance in prayer require utmost diligence and tough minded discipline as an attitude of the heart.
One of the prime reasons christians are not given over to prayer is Laziness, general disinclination to labor. We opt out too early; we have little or no idea about the endurance and perseverance in prayer that bible talks about (Eph.6:18); being lilly-livered, as though we are mere men, we gravitate towards the path of least resistance and the inevitable result is here all around us - carnal mindedness, insensitivity to the spirit, weakness in the face of opposition (especially spiritual) are few of the many proves of our prayerlessness.
None of the benefits of redemption can be acquired by prayer, they are gifts received by grace through faith alone; mind you, a prayerless man will find it difficult and almost impossible to walk in those benefits.
Shake-off laxity from your mind, and give yourself over to copious continuous prayers, persevering in the same with thanksgiving.
Have you started praying?
Prayer Spree (3)
Steadfast continuance in prayer require utmost diligence and tough minded discipline as an attitude of the heart.
One of the prime reasons christians are not given over to prayer is Laziness, general disinclination to labor. We opt out too early; we have little or no idea about the endurance and perseverance in prayer that bible talks about (Eph.6:18); being lilly-livered, as though we are mere men, we gravitate towards the path of least resistance and the inevitable result is here all around us - carnal mindedness, insensitivity to the spirit, weakness in the face of opposition (especially spiritual) are few of the many proves of our prayerlessness.
None of the benefits of redemption can be acquired by prayer, they are gifts received by grace through faith alone; mind you, a prayerless man will find it difficult and almost impossible to walk in those benefits.
Shake-off laxity from your mind, and give yourself over to copious continuous prayers, persevering in the same with thanksgiving.
Have you started praying?
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
Prayer Spree (2)
You can not finish praying, you can only stop praying!
Knowing that prayer is primarily a communion with God, it must always be in progress - continuing earnestly inspite of odds and contradictions;
He that can't persevere in prayer in d face of alluring distractions and daring odds cannot go far with God. If you find it easy to always chicken-out of praying for any reason whatsoever you will be 'weak' generally in the issues of life.
I dare submit to you that, a prayerless heart is a weak heart!
Prayer strengthens the soul and fortifies the heart.
Start praying, Continue praying, and don't stop praying (1Thes.5:17).
I challenge you to make praying the predominant occupation of your heart (Acts 6:4;), do it always and all the time ...pray, pray and pray!
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
Prayer Spree (1)
This is a command not an advice;and it shows that, prayer for a christian, is a constant!
How relevant this command is in our days!
These days in which the affairs of this world and deceitfulness of riches have distracted many saints from their Lord; the love of many have waxed cold and the Lord Jesus is no more recognized even in the house of His friends: At such a time as this, the Christian must fix the gaze of His soul on His Lord in constant and consistent communion ...praying always with all manner of prayer and supplications in the Spirit.
Pray in the morning, noon and afternoon; pray at twilight, evening and night. Pray when it is convenient and when it is not, even when your hands are occupied with physical tasks, let your heart be busy communing with God underneath your breath.
Pray, pray and pray! and having prayed well, continue to pray!
Don't postpone it, start right away and just continue! ok?
Friday, February 3, 2012
Be Comforted!
Be comforted!
Many might be your troubles and trials; u might be feeling lonely in the midst of crowd; its possible u could not even articulate your inner struggles and grieves, even times u tried to, no one understood; opposition might be getting stronger against you by the day: But I say to you be comforted and stand firm in the faith! (1Cor.16:13) Because our God neither forgets nor forsakes His own (Isaiah 49:15)
Amidst the tempest and raging storms; beyond the gloom and shadowy night; through all, we can stand firm, tall and calm, resting on Him who said ..."I will never leave you nor forsake you!"
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
Examine Yourself
Its a new month! Its almost like the whole of January just passed as one day.
Among other good options, don't you think its better to take a reckoning of your life at the end of each month? Instead of waiting till the end of the year.
How did yo u fare in your walk with God last month? How about the commitments you made to the Lord at the beginning of the year? How prayerful were you? How much of God's word did you study? How many people did you witness to about the gospel of Jesus? and how well did you live out the Christian life?
Incase you notice lapses; don't be dejected, just get to your feet and take advantage of the assistance of the Spirit (Phil.2:13); and paradventure you discover you have in the last month made some progress, its not a time to be complacent , but rather, do more and much more (Phil.3:13-14) ...'where' exactly do you belong, the lapses' or the progress' side? Examine yourself! ok?