There is No name except that divinely appointed one, Mat 1:21, by which a man can be saved - none given under heaven - no other means ever devised by God Himself for the salvation of a lost world.
God resolved in His purpose and decree, in His counsel and covenant, upon the salvation of the world; and He appointed His Son to be the means of salvation; He determined He would save the world by Him, and by no other, and in no other way; hence whoever is saved, must be saved by Him,
Hosea 1:7 "But I will have mercy on Judah and will give them salvation by the Lord their God, but not by the bow or the sword or by fighting or by horses or horsemen." (BBE, the Arabic version adds, "unless by him only").
"Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me." (John 14:6 NKJV)
He was the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world; and no man ever came, or can come, to the Father but by him.
As regards the means of salvation, there is no other name; object or person, be it ever so great, or whatever religion or pious devotion, neither show of power and strength, of holiness, religion, nor influence as the name of kings, princes, and the great men in the world; none but the name of Jesus, His person, blood, and righteousness.
Religion cannot save, only Jesus saves. Have you met Jesus?
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