"How then shall they call on Him in whom they have not believed? And how shall they believe in Him of whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear without a preacher? "(Romans 10:14 NKJV)
The gospel of Jesus is the message sinners must believe before they can be saved. They must hear it before they can believe it. They must come in contact with it whether by face to face preaching, prints or electronic media.
Jesus is the only way to God (John 14:6) and for anyone to be saved, he must believe in Jesus. The gospel presents Jesus, thats the reason the Apostles claimed to be preaching Christ when they were preaching the gospel (Acts 5:42, 17:3, 2Cor.4:5). To believe the gospel is to believe in Christ the saviour.
Salvation cannot be earned, not even by good works. Salvation can only be received through faith in the gospel of Jesus.
Fellow saints and soldiers of the cross, think not nor assume in thine heart that a nice man would be saved by his manners, nor an easy-going and seemingly innocent man by his simplicity. All must believe the gospel - the cruel and the harmless, the good, the bad and the murderer, the humble and the proud alike.
Don't assume your uncle is saved because he is kind-hearted, preach to him the gospel. Don't feel too comfortable among your unsaved friends, let them hear the gospel. The standard of God is the gospel of Christ and God will never bend his standard. The gospel is a necessity and the only one there is for salvation of souls ...until they hear it and believe it they wont be saved.
Go therefore, go where the sinners are, go and tell them about Jesus.
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