Tuesday, February 16, 2016


"You know that you were Gentiles, carried away to these dumb idols, however you were led."
(I Corinthians 12:2 NKJV)
Paul was beginning his remarks about spiritual gifts by reminding the Corinthians that they had once been deceived into worshiping idols.
The design seems to be to remind them of their former miserable condition as idolaters, in order to make them appreciate their advantages as Christians.
You need to remember where and who you were before you met the Lord, when you were threading the path of destruction, when your heart is ladden with sin and guilt, having no hope and without God in the world, but God in His mercy sent His son in the likeness of men and with His mighty hand brought eternal salvation unto you.
Apostle Paul often refers Christians to their former condition, to excite in them gratitude for the mercies that God has conferred on them in the gospel.
You must remember the mighty intervention of God in your case when you were helepless, lest you are tempted to view it as something you could have done by your power or as one of those things. Your heart will be full of gratitude and it will make  you see the goodness of God in a clearer light.

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