Friday, November 16, 2012


" For Demas hath forsaken me, having loved this present world, and has departed for Thessalonica..." (II Tim.4:10)
I know people who in yesteryears walked with the Lord in singleness of heart, with absolute commitment and undivided attention; they were ardent students of the Bible, copious at quoting scriptures and were people given-over to much praying.
As a result of such unreserved commitment

to the Lord, vision and passion was 'birthed' in their hearts for heralding the gospel at all cost, whether by life or by death. They talked about their evangelistic vision and plans to impact the world with d word of truth.
Alas, today many of them could hardly remember if they ever had such passion. They now have different vision, ambition and values. The passion to herald the gospel for which they lived and were ready to die has become to them one of those childish ambitions garnered in the days of' 'ignorance'.
They have been distracted!
...ends have to meet, certain social status must be attained, the pinnacle of career must be reached while support for football teams is not left-out. Though they re not wrong in themselves, yet in the quest for such legitimate affairs brass have been substituted for gold (Luke 8:14).
There is little or no time for communion with God; days of protracted study of the word have gone: hence, lack of sensitivity to God, dis-inclination to the cause of the gospel, loss of God-given vision are few of the apparent results.
Hmnn! distraction! - one of devil's most terrible and most subtle end-time means of robbing believers of their effectiveness has become the order of the day.
Time is short, Jesus is coming back soon, the world is dying and interestingly, God has not given-up on you, He is still counting on you. You are still very relevant in God's end-time agenda.
I charge you to "Remember therefore, from where you have fallen, repent and do the first works..."(Rev.3:5) will you?

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