Wednesday, July 17, 2013

The Force of Righteousness (2)

"Now you are free from your slavery to sin, and you have become slaves to righteous living." (Romans 6:18 NLT)
The man born again does not have dual nature, he has only one nature - the nature of God (2 Pet. 1:3); every living being produces after his /its kind, and everyone born of God is in the 'class of God'. 
We make mistakes when we put the Bible aside, and form beliefs and opinions based on human experiences. Example of such mistakes is to PRESUME that believers have sinful nature because you have seen a number of believers fall into sin over again. 
For the man born again, the sinful nature has been annihilated - the born again man does not have sinful nature, its has been irreversibly removed from him. The following scriptures proves that:
"In Him also you were circumcised with a circumcision not made with hands, but in a [spiritual] circumcision [performed by] Christ by stripping off the body of the flesh (the whole corrupt, carnal nature with its passions and lusts)." (Colossians 2:11 AMP)

"knowing this, that our old man was crucified with Him, that the body of sin might be done away with, that we should no longer be slaves of sin."(Romans 6:6 NKJV)

"And those who are Christ’s have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires." (Galatians 5:24 NKJV)

What then should a sinning believer do? He should take heed to Rom.12:1-2 and Phil.4:8; he should renew his mind.
By the new birth, the man born again became a 'part-taker' of the divine nature which is the nature of righteousness: having become a partaker, he has become a 'participant' in the activities of the divine life. The only nature he has now, is the nature of righteousness, he is an active participant in the activities of the righteous life because of the nature which he has received.  As sin abides in the unbeliever as a nature, so does the nature of righteous lives in the believer. A goat can not combine the animalistic and human nature, and an unbeliever could not have both the sinful nature and the nature of God at same time, the believer could neither have the two at same time. "...since we have died to sin, how can we continue to live in it? Or have you forgotten that when we were joined with Christ Jesus in baptism, we joined him in his death? For we died and were buried with Christ by baptism. And just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glorious power of the Father, now we also may live new lives. (Romans 6:2-4 NLT).    got it?

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