Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Examine Yourself

"Examine yourselves as to whether you are in the faith. Test yourselves..." (2Cor.13:5)
Its a new month! Its almost like the whole of January just passed as one day.
Among other good options, don't you think its better to take a reckoning of your life at the end of each month? Instead of waiting till the end of the year.
How did yo u fare in your walk with God last month? How about the commitments you made to the Lord at the beginning of the year? How prayerful were you? How much of God's word did you study? How many people did you witness to about the gospel of Jesus? and how well did you live out the Christian life?
Incase you notice lapses; don't be dejected, just get to your feet and take advantage of the assistance of the Spirit (Phil.2:13); and paradventure you discover you have in the last month made some progress, its not a time to be complacent , but rather, do more and much more (Phil.3:13-14) ...'where' exactly do you belong, the lapses' or the progress' side? Examine yourself! ok?

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